It is often said by Protestants that only they follow the Bible and that the Catholic Church does not want Catholics to read or know the Bible because the Catholic Faith is unbiblical. The contrary is actually true. The Bible is the work of the Catholic Church. It is she which determined the Canon of Scripture from among many competing gospels and epistles claiming to be inspired and which forms, along with sacred Tradition, the deposit of Faith from Christ to His Church.
The Catholic Church kept the sacred Scriptures inviolate, and has taught the faithful from them every Mass during the reading of the Gospel, Epistle and Old Testament. The Latin Vulgate is the oldest true Bible extant, in use since the early 4th Century; indeed the Greeks in the 9th Century retranslated the Vulgate back into Greek because of the corruptions that had crept into their Greek texts.
The truth is that Protestants received the Bible from the Catholic Church and then set about trying to cut out books and passages they did not like, whittling their bible down to 66 books from the Canon of 73 books. Indeed, Luther even wanted to delete the Epistle of St. James because it did not fit his “reformed” theology. Nevertheless, the Church has maintained the complete Canon of Scripture.
The Very Reverend Dean C.J. O’Connell shows through Church history, Popes and Councils, and scriptural study the truth that the Bible is a Catholic Book.
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