In his tour de force “The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed”, Prof. Hoggan amply demonstrated by diplomatic history and correspondence that the cause and onus of the war in 1939, and of the larger World War, was due to the actions and desires of the English Tory aristocracy for a new war with Germany to retain their failing world empire.
The Blind Century is a two–volume philosophical examination of America and Europe and the unseen underbelly of the West. Bared is America’s true history, not the nice white–washed one that most were taught in public schools; but the rapacious one hidden under platitudes.
This book is a more personal, “philosophy of history” by Dr. Hoggan, looking at the founding and growth of a messianic America; which in the 1930s stood behind Britain and egged them into the war. Volume I deals with America’s foundation, history, and interference in European affairs. Volume II deals with Europe and the loss of the center–point of Western Civilization. Hoggan continues to astonish with his revelations of the history that is lies hidden behind the propaganda.
The problems and continuing destruction of our present day civilization, whether in society, or the Church, including the continuing degeneration of all elements of society come from the results of this terrible war and the world it wrought.
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